Latest on Medical Insurance In a move, likely to spur action from Congress, President Trump said yesterday that the government would end government subsidies to insurers under the Affordable Care Act. The move comes on guidance from the Justice Department and the Department of Health and Human Services...

Republicans currently face the near impossible task of repealing Obamacare and passing a replacement bill that will not cost them politically. At their core, Republicans are loathe to add additional entitlement spending to an already broken federal budget, but no political alternative exists because, since its...

We are getting a lot of questions about things like the 'Trump Rally,' inflation, and owning bonds in the face of rising interest rates. These are all reasonable concerns given all the changes being openly discussed by the new administration and congressional policy makers. But aside from an unexpected and unprecedented victory like Mr. Trump's, markets, economists, and policy makers are reacting pretty much as they should.

[caption id="attachment_7413" align="alignleft" width="300"]Curtesy of: Curtesy of:[/caption] My wife Amy and I are taking our son Miles to the fair this afternoon, and as I thought back to my own State Fair memories of riding bumper cars and watching all kinds of people, I was reminded yet again of the important role experiences play in our lives. At Beacon we have the privilege of helping folks dream about and actually make a reality some really neat experiences, which is a tremendous joy to us.